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doodnormale razzia zoals er dagdagelijks gebeuren in clubs

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Razzia's gebeuren bijna op dagelijkse basis in onze saunaclubs, niks om ons druk over te maken.
Die dingen zijn nu eenmaal clubgerelateerd, niks aan te doen.
De ene dag is GT aan de beurt, heb zelf al een "razzia" op tien zelf meegemaakt, de ene keer moet je als man je ID-kaart inleveren, de andere keer niet, hangt ervan af op wat ze controleren.
Ikzelf maak me alvast niet al te veel zorgen hierover, we zitten in hoerenlopersland, en de club is nog geopend, niemand zit achter slot en grendel, en we kunnen er lekker verder neuken.

Het vermelden niet waard, een razzia? Allicht wel, maar geen drama van maken, controles gebeuren nu eenmaal, en misschien is een controle zo nu en dan wel eens goed.


I wouldn't like to downplay the use of (hard) drugs. I have talked to some people that used it. It's not  a very nice life. Not to them, not to the people around them.
I wouldn't like to downplay emptying my battery. There's quite a few casualties in traffic each year. I wouldn't like to become one of them.
I wouldn't like to downplay any other offence. Most certainly not because others do it as well. It's called the slippery slope. Don't wanna be on that one either.
But, it's your choice.
One other thing I learnt is that when I read about raids in other clubs, people talk about it openly. When it is in GT, people are quick to come to the defense of the club. Makes you wonder....

Neen, een razzia is een razzia, en GT is niet beter of slechter dan andere clubs;
Hoerenland zit vol hoeren en waar hoeren zitten, zijn pooiers, dope en andere leuke en minder leuke dingen.
En GT of welke andere club dan ook, allemaal één pot nat op dat gebied, in GT gebeurt echt niet meer of minder dan in eender welke andere club.

En voor de rest is er niets aan de hand, als je niet tegen poten, pimps en ander schorum kan en er niet kan mee leven dat de clubs vol dope zitten, kan je best naar een klooster gaan. In alle andere gevallen, erover praten lost niets op, en het is zoals met de grieten, allemaal één natte pot (genoeg gel erop smeren en 't schuift veel beter dus) .... dus een razzia zoals eender welke andere controle, dagelijkse kost...


--- Citaat van: JacoGillongo op 14 april 2014, 21:42:07 ---One other thing I learnt is that when I read about raids in other clubs, people talk about it openly. When it is in GT, people are quick to come to the defense of the club. Makes you wonder....

--- Einde van citaat ---

Misschien is dat omdat er door Jan en alleman allerlei halve waarheden of hele onwaarheden verkondigd worden. 90 procent hear-say en veel insinuaties.
Nou is GT één van de grotere clubs en hoge bomen vangen veel wind, dus op zich niet vreemd.  Maar als er echt onzin geschreven wordt voel ik me inderdaad geroepen af en toe wat tegengas te geven.

Over veiligheid (of het gevoel van): Ik kom al zéér geruime tijd (25+ jaar) in P6 land en heb al vele, vele vormen en etablissementen bezocht. Ik kom nu een jaar of zes in GT. Er zijn érg weinig P6 omgevingen waar ik me beter op mijn gemak en veiliger voel dan in GT. Dat zegt wel iets lijkt me.

You make two points. Both are OK with me. Indeed GT gets more attention, but what are the errors in the stories?
If you feel comfortable there, that's good for you.
I don't feel comfortable there. Girls from GT even tried to ruin my day in Artemis lately but they didn't succeed. The regular girls from Artemis that know me and the theke prevented them from spreading their false info. I can only say that I feel very uncomfortable with GT, even when I'm in another club!!!

@SM I disagree strongly with you.
1. Explicitly you are denying my point that GT is different but by defending it, like quite a few others, you are actually confirming it.
2. Drugs should not be seen as an inevitable part of a SC. They are everywhere in our society but persons do not tend to view them as an inevitable part of their world. Most certainly not the people that use them. They usually would like to stop using them.
3. As far as I know there have been no multiple finds of drugs in GT. So, is it really inevitable?
4. Pimps are not inevitable. There are girls that work without them. At least according to Amsterdam based criminologists (UvA).
5. At no other club I have had trouble with my bike. At no other club I have heard about spooky people on the parking lot.
6. In Golden Dreams there have been no raids. September last year the guy in charge that day didn't even know about the concept. So, it's not all SC's.
7. There has been a raid in PHG recently. Not much ado about that one on the internet. I have noticed this before: the reactions to the initial reporting about it are really different. Writing about PHG: sharing info. Writing about GT: downplaying it. Why?
8. The choice you offer is to either accept the things that a normal society would never accept or to go to a monastry. This is a kind of reasoning cited in literature as a 'false dilemma'. It is fallacy and won't be accepted in a public debate as it is not a real choice. (To limit the choice between a dictator or chaos might be an example that makes my point clear.)
9. Your remark about using lube is demeaning to girls. allemaal één natte pot (genoeg gel erop smeren en 't schuift veel beter dus)
The fact is that they HAVE a vagina. The way you state it makes it look like they ARE a vagina. It's not a very kind or even decent remark. I have met quite a few girls that are very nice persons. I never would like to talk about them in this way.


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