... Check if their favourite girls are working in any of the 3 Amsterdam red light districts then please provide the following information before 2nd Sept.
Rough description
Day or night shift. ...
So you want your dinner served on a golden platter? In all you're talking about details, of well over a hundred girls in total. I know the number of girls, working in Amsterdam, discussed here is pretty minimal and the number of windowgirls, discussed on concurrent site of hookers.nl, due to the AVG laws, has now dropped down, to less than nothing.
I advise you to just walk around and do your inquiries, investigations and negotiations, by addressing the girls first hand, at their doorstep. You also must realise, a lot popular girls, that were working in Amsterdam, or anywhere else in NL, haven't returned yet, because of the corona crisis.
I don't understand this response. I have several regular girls I visit (including ex window girls) and vast experience from many years of mongering so I certainly don't need some random girls thrown at me. I am trying to help since I like to walk around the RLDs a few times a day and night. I have seen discussions in other places where people are asking for info on a certain girl. It would be nice to have a similar more organised set up here but I am new and don't know the vibe yet. I personally don't trust what other people like anyway since it's seldom what I like. I have wasted time on girls recommended and enjoyed time with girls labelled as rip-off so I now just use common sense.
I would have listed all the girls I recognised but not sure if I can be bothered after this response. I'm not some random RLD virgin.
Well George, to be bluntly honest, your question looks like a newbie one. The Wallen district, at the moment, still has around 300 available windows, multiply that by 3 shifts daily and although not every window has a 100% occupancy, you'll be looking at potentially 900 girls. To that, add the other 2 redlights (Singelgebied and Ruysdaelkade), with also 3 daily shifts and on top of that the girls working, privately, as escort, or at sexclubs and you'll even be looking at over a thousand girls working in Amsterdam DAILY. So my earlier estimate, was very much on the low side.
Take it from a local okay!? I'm a born and raised Amsterdammer, with some 40y experience mongering. So if you'd please can come up with that more specific list, I or some fellow Amsterdammer, might be able to help you out.
PS Given the current situation, the window occupancy isn't nearly half to what it used to be.